Thursday, November 8, 2012

Now that the dust has settled, what comes next?

It is now the Wednesday morning after the election and for the most part, nothing has changed.  Barack Obama has successfully won his bid at a second term in office.  The House is still controlled by the Republicans and the Senate is still controlled by the Democrats.  The all out visual assault of campaign ads will finally give way to normalcy here in Ohio.  The two party system did it's job again this year.  The top third party candidate, Libertarian Gary Johnson, brought right at 1% of the popular vote.  The question now is, where do we as a country go from here?

What needs immediate and intense focus from this point forward is the status of the Bush era tax cuts.  If something isn't done by Congress and the President before January 1, the entire country will see their taxes go up.  Make no mistakes that this is a dangerous plateau that if we step off of it will surely return our economy fully back into a recession.  If my quick calculations are correct, I can expect an immediate drop of take home pay to the order of about $375/month if the tax cuts are allowed to expire due to gridlock in Congress.  What needs to happen is that the President needs to rise to the occasion and find a way to bring Democrats and Republicans together to come to a solution to this problem.  The President doesn't have to worry about winning another election in his Political career at this point.  President Obama needs to be what the role of the President is meant to be, the leader of this country.

Mr. President, please let go of party lines and do what is right to keep this country from moving backward come January 1.

America has spoken again, and with few exceptions the votes were remarkably similar to the 2008 election. President Obama carried every state he won in 2008 except North Carolina. There are many reasons for this electoral college domination but as noted above, it is time to move forward and focus on what to do next as opposed to how he won re-election. 

The "fiscal cliff," is rapidly approaching and the American people have retained the same makeup of divided government we have had since 2010. They clearly are willing to elect a mixed government but no doubt will expect results this time around or my guess is they will throw a lot of incumbents out next election. The onus to govern is not solely on the President, Congress and the Senate must do their part as well. My assumption is that House Republicans will realize the serious consequences the nation faces if they continue to just play obstruction like they have the past couple years. I also believe they know that those tactics failed miserably. The fact that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell states his number one goal was to see that Barack Obama became a one term president should ensure a selfish politician like that is never elected to public office again. McConnell and other Republicans operating a hostile form of government suffered an immense blow to both their strategy and their egos. I believe they will be more open to compromise this time around. I also hope and believe that the President will do the same. Together they can reignite the grand bargain that was rumored to be close to passing previously. Most Americans want a shared sacrifice, if Congress and the White House can manage to govern with that in mind then the next four years should continue to move the country back in the right direction. 

As an Obama voter I firmly believe that he was the right choice for the country. I also believe that he will be doing what all second term presidents do- ensuring his legacy. I expect more long lasting legislation to be passed in the form of a grand compromise on the fiscal crisis we are facing right now, in the form of a mutually agreed upon immigration bill and more. Surely there will be many people unhappy with anything the President does from here on out. In four years, they can elect a new one. For now, its time to keep moving forward. 

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